PENBAY 20/20 is a new ecotourism project on part of the Banana islands called “RICKETT island” 3-4 miles off the coast of Sierra Leone. It is surrounded by about 5-6 miles of beautiful coastline in the Atlantic Ocean. RICKETT island was one of the slave holding stations during the slave trade. The island is a small island in Sierra Leone with slave history and it has 300 inhabitants with no roads or any kind of development.

PENBAY 20/20 is primarily focused on RICKETT island for strategic reasons. Development of the island from nothing into a smart city would serve as a template for development of other communities throughout the rest of the country. PENBAY 20/20 intends to demonstrate how an island without cars, electricity, or bridge to mainland Sierra Leone, can use its resources to move into the 21 st century.
PENBAY 20/20 would utilize local resources and innovative modern technology in a sustainable way to move the island forward. We foresee a forest city with two lane roads, electric cars, bicycle trails, parks, farms and a lot more. The people of RICKETT island (population about 300), have managed to thrive through the ravages of war, Ebola and Covid 19 outbreak partly because of their topographic isolation. They grow their own food. The men are mostly fishermen while the women are fish traders.

The island is laced with black rocks on its coastline that naturally protect the coastline, and covered with a million trees of all shades of green. It has a rich Marine life with lobsters, shrimp, Tuna dolphins, sharks etc. The wildlife is very interesting as there are popular animals such as snakes (all kinds), the iguana lizard and monkeys. Simply put, RICKETT island is immaculate. PENBAY wants you to Retreat, Relax and Rejuvenate at RICKETT ISLAND’s PENBAY resort.


Sahr Suku Tamba


Lucy Baindu Koroma


Dr. Sylvester Nicol

  • Acquire costal lands in Ricketts village, transform and develop into global ecotourism centers.
  • To create a luxury hospitality atmosphere that will attract the tourists from USA, Africa, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.
  • To exceed customers’ expectations by providing high quality services and exceptional customer care services.
  • To offer all-round excellence in service rendition
  • PENBAY project will create an International state of the art ecotourism environment to attract tourists from all over the world.
  • Create opportunities for local people to be employed and empowered.
  • Contribute positively to the GDP of Sierra Leone through ecotourism.